There’s about a 10mm gap from the crown to the tyre tread.
The problem is the guard won't have the same radius as the cut-out of the crown. So your 10mm is realistically not the room you actually have. It also doesn't help your wheel is not centered.
The width between the fork legs might also be an issue. Have you measured this? You'd have to find mudguards narrow enough to fit in there. SKS's narrowest 700c mudguards are 35mm for example.
I'm sure you can fit a guard in there, but it's going to be very tight.
As @Tijs has said, it'll be tight, get your wheel centred, then maybe you could fit a guard by cutting material away from the sides of the guard where it runs under the fork crown, so it just sits in that channel, then is full width fore and aft of it.
Reckon I’ve got space for mudguards here?
There’s about a 10mm gap from the crown to the tyre tread.
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