You've misunderstood the graphs I'm afraid. The first graph doesn't show Starmer, you're right, it shows Corbyn in context. The second graph does show Corbyn vs Starmer and while it shows that Starmer's approval ratings are currently negative, it also shows that Corbyn's were never anything but. The third graph was just there to show how easy it is to compare odd points of data between the two parties to create any picture you want - which you've done. (Corbyn's Labour was polling under Starmer's for almost all of 2019, and prior to the 2017 GE.)
The graphs you show seem to reinforce tbc's point, not disprove it.
Your first image doesn't even include Starmer, the second shows Starmer below Corbyn's GE2017 level, and the last image shows the entirety of Labour's polling under Starmer below Cobyn's Labour 2017 to 2019.