if you are aware of when you open a window or door.
I am aware when I open a door. I am anal enough to turn the heating off. ms_com on the other hand....
The child lock on the TRVs (another recent thing) is also handy for me as mini_com loves spinning the top and making the lights come on. Something that I would have expected to rinse the batteries but hasn't, yet. Almost worth it for the moments when she disappears, we hear the tell tale clicks and then the giggle.
another recent thing
Their has alway been a setting for how long a manual change on the TRV is good for, which has always been useful. I now have them restricted on every TRV accessible to little hands. I've not tried the childlock yet.
Ditto, vis. mrs_tw. Who left the front door open this morning.
In her defence, I do need to fix the front door locking.
I would be on the fence too about the stuff they now charge for - I've been with them long enough to have them by default. Not sure if I would have paid for them.
For instance, I have never used the geolocation stuff, and the open window / door stuff is next to pointless if you are aware of when you open a window or door.