• this is deeply cerebral, thank you for posting such pertinent content to give us all pause for thought.

    may we now reflect on our own mechanism or mechanisms (M+1), so it may be

    @BareNecessities let's not mix our our exclusionary ad hominin's with our accepted and encouraged derision of the electrical bicycle!

    i also think this is time to admit i still worry about getting up some hills in a 40/34 😳with all the fashionable baggage and dangle [redacted] which are to be attached

  • let's not mix our our exclusionary ad hominin's with our accepted and encouraged derision of the electrical bicycle!

    Unsure where the 'fat' came from. Probably projecting

  • i assume it was just a misspelling of the popular slang term "phat" from hip-hop slang, implying "great, excellent," 1992, originating perhaps in the late 1980s and meaning at first "sexiness in a middle aged mountain biker." The word itself is a variant of fat in one of its slang senses, with the kind of off-beat spelling which would catch one out
