Back in Feb I bought a Keeley Caverns V2 second hand. I'm a big fan of it, but annoyingly the delay side stopped working after a couple of weeks for reasons unknown.
I emailed them expecting to have to pay the repair fee plus postage both ways (pretty much most of what the pedal cost me), but it turns out they honour their warranty even if you're not the original owner. I only had pay outgoing postage to the US, and they fixed it and got it back to me super quickly.
Credit where credit's due, quite impressed with Keeley, I'd probably buy more of their stuff again (assuming the Caverns doesn't break again...)
Back in Feb I bought a Keeley Caverns V2 second hand. I'm a big fan of it, but annoyingly the delay side stopped working after a couple of weeks for reasons unknown.
I emailed them expecting to have to pay the repair fee plus postage both ways (pretty much most of what the pedal cost me), but it turns out they honour their warranty even if you're not the original owner. I only had pay outgoing postage to the US, and they fixed it and got it back to me super quickly.
Credit where credit's due, quite impressed with Keeley, I'd probably buy more of their stuff again (assuming the Caverns doesn't break again...)