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  • Just like icing a cake, right?

  • Are you a professional cake decorator? :)

    This method was standard practice and still is in places where the workman is receiving less than industry wages. The repaircare stuff is terrible for my income. I end up charging much less in labour and I'm spending £70-£100 on materials for some jobs. Fortunately it means there's always a bit of it around to do the smaller jobs though which is where it really saves time.

    The repairs last so long I'm going back to repair other parts of doors 5 years later and the old repairs are still solid.

    Did one way worse than this last year and restored the water bar perfectly. Double patio doors, the worst.

    I guess people never want to spend the money replacing double doors but I do tell people they should have called me 3 years earlier. Exterior stuff is easy if you do a bit every year. It's nice when it's warm and sunny.

  • Hah no but mrs. Howard could probably have done a good job. Need to sand it all back now but the prevailing wind blows the shite inside so will wait for a calm day and make something to catch the dust.

    The weather bar and seal thing fitted well.

    We’ve inherited a lot of neglect with our place. The extension on the back is all wood framed and twenty years old. We’ll pull it all out in five years time and replace it with modern composites or plastics. Or maybe new wood if we can find someone to do it.


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