OK... potentially very dumb question, but given my propensity for ordering parts from the internet only to realise I've measured something incorrectly/forgot to measure it at all, I'm trying to be a bit more cautious rather than assume I know exactly what I'm doing despite having never replaced a BB before...
Replacing the BB on my early '00s trek. Measured up the BB shell and spindle length which comes out more or less as ~68mm shell, ~110mm spindle (see pics). Before I go ahead and order this Shimano UN300, am I missing anything? I'm keeping the triple chainring that the bike came with.
OK... potentially very dumb question, but given my propensity for ordering parts from the internet only to realise I've measured something incorrectly/forgot to measure it at all, I'm trying to be a bit more cautious rather than assume I know exactly what I'm doing despite having never replaced a BB before...
Replacing the BB on my early '00s trek. Measured up the BB shell and spindle length which comes out more or less as ~68mm shell, ~110mm spindle (see pics). Before I go ahead and order this Shimano UN300, am I missing anything? I'm keeping the triple chainring that the bike came with.