Chrome has a remote desktop extension that might do the job. It's a bit of an arse to find as searching mainly brings up stuff about Chrome Remote Desktop. It might be this possibly https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/xtralogic-rdp-client/fdlpibjfnlhnmeckjjhfiejfdghkmkdm?hl=en or this https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-rdp/cbkkbcmdlboombapidmoeolnmdacpkch (I think the latter is the one I've used)
You may also have some luck with this
It's one of those things I started looking into but never properly did anything about.
Work have sent me a *.rdp file for remote working windows to windows
They also include some connection stuff for if using the Microsoft remote working app for apple. company-rdsfarm is the computer rdgateway@company.org is the gateway
Is there a way to fudge this connection via Raspbian?
Google (duckduckgo) quickly answers connection to pi via rdp, or to windows on home network but no joy past that.