• #253
Turns out she is a vet. Has two foxes currently. Will try asking for a pic the next time I chat to her.
• #254
Surprised a v plump chap in my garden today.
So plump it took several attempts to vault the fence.
I was titters.
• #255
Spotted. A black fox
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-london-56273490 -
• #256
Sorry wrong thread.
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• #257
Captured these two on a trail cam early doors
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• #258
I'm aware this is the urban foxes thread, but have you guys seen tibetan foxes?
Just watched a documentary on national parks in Tibet, where they are frolocking around still.
Here's a link, hope you can see this with an UK ip - https://www.ardmediathek.de/ard/video/erlebnis-erde/wildes-china-im-reich-der-berge-1/das-erste/Y3JpZDovL2Rhc2Vyc3RlLmRlL2VybGVibmlzIGVyZGUvNzFkOTY0ZGEtZDgwNi00MGU4LTg0Y2ItY2I0MWJjZGUzYjFm/?startTime=791.47&endTime=2612.97 -
• #259
Had this fox hanging around in the garden catching some rays.
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• #260
That’s cool. Used to feel blessed if I saw a wild fox when I lived in London.
• #261
• #262
There are 3 or 4 that hang around the local area but you normally only see them at night.
• #263
Our neighbour feeds the local foxes eggs and dog food so we have several very well fed and quite tame foxes in our garden. They loved it when it snowed last month.
It was all very cute and disney until one of them did a shit in the snow and then weed on it (?) weirdo.
• #264
Wow, that first photo is amazing. He looks big!
• #265
Ha yeah, they're big bois. Probably on account of being so well fed by our neighbour. They also have this annoying habit of burying eggs / chunks of dog food to save for later, like a more minging squirrel. I found a raw egg buried in a box of bike cleaning rags I keep outside, which was odd. Our neighbour on the other side thought someone was trying to place a hex on her house as she kept finding her flower pots had been dug up and replaced with raw eggs lol
That fluffy tail tho:
• #266
Ha, yeah I believe this is 'caching' which I think they all do if they have surplus to requirements.
• #268
I have seen so few foxes since leaving London. This one was out and about yesterday before dawn. A million miles away from the ones that used to play in our garden in SE23.
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• #269
really like that photo
• #270
Me too it's almost like a painting. Would make a good print.
• #271
Looks like some new arrivals on my street
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• #272
So what's the collective school of thought on contact with Foxes?
Some say it's fine to feed, be-friend, selfies etc.
Others say: you shouldn't, wild animals, vermin etc... -
• #273
• #274
We have foxes in our village at least two that are supported by pensioners leaving food out . The foxes are getting a bit blasé in my view too dependant on human contact . Becoming lazy
• #275
Bitd the received wisdom was that by encouraging foxes
you increased the likelihood of domestic dogs getting mange.Caveats: not a dog owner, and have not knowingly encouraged urban foxes.
Haven't seen an unhealthy looking fox out here in the north west London urban fringe for a long time.
The foxes round my way are getting out of hand, it's like 12 monkeys. They look really healthy and splendid but sound like bloody murder. Especially in the wee hours. Am tempted to invest in a super soaker.