Thank you, lower bearing was completely seized in place so it’s currently soaking in penetrating fluid at the bike shop.
Next stop on the TT bike service is to check and grease all the bolts in the cockpit. All going well until the female part of the threads started stripping with almost no pressure (torque wrench set to 3nm but stripped before that). They were stiff to remove and now 3 out of 4 are gone and I’m scared to try the 4th more than finger tight. Is this a corrosion (sweat?) thing? Visually they don’t look too bad. Do you think it would be possible to re tap these holes?
Thank you, lower bearing was completely seized in place so it’s currently soaking in penetrating fluid at the bike shop.
Next stop on the TT bike service is to check and grease all the bolts in the cockpit. All going well until the female part of the threads started stripping with almost no pressure (torque wrench set to 3nm but stripped before that). They were stiff to remove and now 3 out of 4 are gone and I’m scared to try the 4th more than finger tight. Is this a corrosion (sweat?) thing? Visually they don’t look too bad. Do you think it would be possible to re tap these holes?
Not impressed with £90 to buy replacement parts!