If set up correctly, is it possible that the rads can get warm when the underfloor heating is the only thing calling for heat?
I have this problem. I think my central heating motorised valve is knackered and isn't closing properly so the rads come on when the hot water is on. One day I'll get round to replacing it or finding a plumber.
I definitely need something more intelligent than the current setup. As it stands, we will be heating multiple rooms when there is no need and having to manually adjust rads when we come into rooms
I keep wondering about this. As an example our loft room has been heated all weekend even though nobody has been in there so the radiators could be off. Tomorrow my wife will be working in there and will want it nice and snug. But 3 smart TRVs (3 rads) and a bridge is 200+ which will take many years to pay for itself so I'm not sure if it is really worth it.
Right, I'm opening the smart thermostat can of worms again.
We have moved into the new house, it's great. I have temporarily forgotten about how much I hate Hackney BC, Hackney Council systems (not the people) and the conveyancing process in general.
So the new house has the following, not mentioned to me when I previously enquired:
1 x Baxi Combi Boiler.
1 x wireless Thermostat for the underfloor heating in the kitchen extension
1 x wireless Thermostat for the Rads
2/3 x TRVs on 2nd floor loft conversion (2 rooms and bathroom)
Only found one Thermostat to start and the well insulated top floor rooms get super hot, TRVs can't stop heat rising I guess. Kitchen floor was stone cold. Then found the second thermostat, set it appropriately and kitchen warmed up. Then I set it overnight so the RAD thermostat was 15deg and the kitchen was 21deg. In the morning some of the RADs were warm and top floor was toasty.