'no that's absolutely fine and the govt shouldn't have stepped in'
Literally no one is saying that this is "absolutely fine". The point is that the council fucked up, and should be held to account, but that the people who should be appointed to correct the mess should be democratically appointed by the people of Liverpool. It's also a devastating self-own for Labour to effectively say 'we can't manage this problem, send in the Tories'.
Here's noted hard left Leninist Andrew Adonis making just that point in the Times (behind a paywall so forgive the combo of quote text and image):
John Dewey got it right: “The solution to the ills of democracy is more democracy”, it is not the suspension of democracy. Which is why the answer to Liverpool’s governance problems is to elect a new mayor as soon as possible, not for central government to send in commissioners and suspend the normal statutory operation of a large part of local government in the city, as Robert Jenrick has instructed.
Beggars belief to me that anyone could read that report and come out of it thinking 'no that's absolutely fine and the govt shouldn't have stepped in'. This isn't some football match, we are meant to be the party of workers, and workers at Liverpool Council legitimately were scared for their safety. I'm angry too, but I'm angry at the people at fault in Liverpool Council who gave the Tories the stick to beat us with.
The people Starmer's Labour is for is the voters. I admit I'm not super impressed by him - I sit left of centre - but I think he's made a calculation that the two wings of the party are never going to unite, and he needs to focus on where the voters are. And the voters do not follow this stuff the way we wonks do. It's not what I want to hear. But if the strategy means a Labour government is more likely then it's worth a go.
If we make a net loss on May's local election I'll agree that strategy isn't working. But honestly, I can't see that happening. People forget how far we've come in a year:
Election Maps UK
Westminster Voting Intention:
CON: 39% (-7)
LAB: 37% (+8)
LDM: 9% (-1)
, 16-19 Mar.
Changes w/ 7-9 Apr 2020.