Yesterday morning around the Ealing area I've never seen so many cargo/kids carriers being ridden:
Bakfiets Long - All black with canopy
Bakfiets Long - old red classic
x2 Babboe e-trikes
Nihola e-trike
x2 bikes with proper large front racks (much bigger racks than the average hipster effort!)
There's also an all-black and very stealth looking e-Bullitt about too, but this wasn't spotted yesterday.
Yesterday morning around the Ealing area I've never seen so many cargo/kids carriers being ridden:
Bakfiets Long - All black with canopy
Bakfiets Long - old red classic
x2 Babboe e-trikes
Nihola e-trike
x2 bikes with proper large front racks (much bigger racks than the average hipster effort!)
There's also an all-black and very stealth looking e-Bullitt about too, but this wasn't spotted yesterday.