Well, that’s true but if somebody argues along the lines of “you can’t erase/deny the past”, the obvious counter-argument would be to embed those sort of commercials in a wider frame of reference that questions the practice at the time. It’s similar to the whole confederate statues argument revolving around how and where they should be displayed appropriately.
I prefer to credit people with their own intelligence. I don't need a little label next to Italian bike ads from the 80s to tell me we wouldn't accept them without comment today, and anybody who does need the labels is probably too thick to read them anyway.
Well, that’s true but if somebody argues along the lines of “you can’t erase/deny the past”, the obvious counter-argument would be to embed those sort of commercials in a wider frame of reference that questions the practice at the time. It’s similar to the whole confederate statues argument revolving around how and where they should be displayed appropriately.