Is FB likely to be banned or go out of business anytime soon...? I don't really use it much these days but... how about the Oculus rift s? I have been reading about the difference between the rift and the quest and other than the fact that quest is a standalone device, it seems the image quality isn't as good as the rift?
I think the Oculus is much more within my price range, it's just for a bit of "lockdown has finally broken me" fun.
Is FB likely to be banned or go out of business anytime soon
It's more a risk of your FB account getting banned for no reason and you losing your purchases.
Occulus are good but all your purchases tie to your facebook account so if that gets banned they're lost forever. The Quest 2 is standalone meaning you don't need a pc, the Vive or Reverb will do slightly higher resolutions and refresh rates but you need to be tethered to the pc.
It's hard to beat the Quest 2 for bang/buck but if you want the top then I'd be looking at the Valve Index and HP Reverb G2