• #2
I have a ritchey one yours for forum donation
• #3
didn't work out. anyone else got one kicking around please? thanks
• #4
Where are you and how long does it need to be?
• #5
Got an anodised red one I don't want. Unused. Let me know if you want a picture.
• #6
I'm in North London and probably need 15cm above the safety marker.
• #7
How much please?
• #8
How does £15 sound? It's quite nicely made, two bolt type so adjustment is easy. I'm riding around doing errands in North ish at weekend, could bring it, no obligation to buy.
EDIT is long enough for your use^^, about 20-25cm above insertion marker.
• #9
Ah sorry I should have been clearer - just looking for something free/couple of quid. It's for a run around I am cobbling together so condition really doesn't matter. In fact the less bling the better!
Thanks all the same
• #10
Ah. No biggie.
Will have a rummage for a beater one.
• #11
nice one cheers
• #13
thanks, im north so could be a bit of a mish. mind sharing first part of your postcode?
• #14
I have this black Promax Inline 27.2mm seatpot.
Pretty good clamping mechanism compare to most!
I am in New Cross SE14 - after £10 please
4 Attachments
Condition unimportant - anything considered as long as it's functional. In fact the less good the better as it's for a beater bike. Thanks.