Such a great looking board man.
I've been having fun experimenting with compression lately. I have a Barber Tone Press and although I've always liked what it does at sensible settings, i've been enjoying setting it at full whack and seeing how it feels. Definitely a place for it. More of a feel than a tone thing i reckon.
It's an odd effect, I kind of like it... I think... I've been having tone anxiety this week, been trying to dial back the dirt so I get a bit more clarity to my sound but that's now thrown everything else out and I've started to question everything I'm doing!!!
Bloody stooopid things to even consider worrying about, innit... Also plugged in my old Deluxe yesterday and it almost ripped my head off, that thing roars!!
Cleaned up and rejigged the big pedalboard this week... Wasn't sure about compression at first, maybe I've got a bad preset but I was either getting nothing happening, tone suck or loads of distortion... Got it sounding okay now but not sure if that's the way it's supposed to be! The Hall of Fame is really good, think I'll stick with it... Still need to get a separate wall wart for the RE20, it's so noisy on the same power supply, bloody annoying!!