This broke up due to tectonic movements over millennia and have become positioned where they are today.
Current theory says that happened several times. First massive continent, Pangea, broke up and the sections travelled the world before crashing together again. Eventually they separated and formed other super-continents), before breaking apart and so on. Scientists think it’s happened 4 or 5 times (Pangea and Gondwana being 2 of those super continents).
Earth is old, yo.
Correction: Pangaea was the most recent, preceded by Gondwana or something...
not sure if srs
Ignoring countries because they have nothing to do with the land itself, at one stage all land on earth was probably stuck together in one mass. This broke up due to tectonic movements over millennia and have become positioned where they are today. The coast lines are not edges of anything, they are only where the land mass is high enough that it is above sea level.