So I bought a new pulley and motor and now the Vario is back grinding but I cannot get it to grind fine enough - have gone through all of the threads I can see on this.
I have two options - buy some new burrs, fit and see if this works. Keep trying to find the problem.
Sell it as it is to someone who might be able to find the solution.
If the Niche zero were available I'd do the 2nd without doubt.
So I bought a new pulley and motor and now the Vario is back grinding but I cannot get it to grind fine enough - have gone through all of the threads I can see on this.
I have two options - buy some new burrs, fit and see if this works. Keep trying to find the problem.
Sell it as it is to someone who might be able to find the solution.
If the Niche zero were available I'd do the 2nd without doubt.