There's a grub screw which you can use to adjust the burrs - with the machine running I can turn this and get the burrs to come into contact (judging by the Noise) Baratza say that this should occur on the setting 2-Q. This was how I used to have the grinder setup but even with this the beans are grinding not fine enough and inconsistent. Quite a pita at this point
Can't see any damage - I also cannot really be arsed to spend more time faffing about with it, which I think is the real driver. But it's a pretty decent grinder with no obvious alternative (unless a fresh batch of Niche's are released) so bit of a catch 22...
There's a grub screw which you can use to adjust the burrs - with the machine running I can turn this and get the burrs to come into contact (judging by the Noise) Baratza say that this should occur on the setting 2-Q. This was how I used to have the grinder setup but even with this the beans are grinding not fine enough and inconsistent. Quite a pita at this point