• #152
drink - yo bebo, tu bebes, el bebe
Edited to add some actual Spanish content
• #153
Asking an Aussie for words to describe drinking, is like asking an Eskimo for words to describe snow
• #154
I'm done.
• #155
Don't forget that Spaniards also take a drink with tomar, there's probably other ways too.
• #156
Shit, looks like I just need this word and I'm half way to being able to say anything in Spanish!
tomar, llevar, seguir, aprovechar, asumir, hacer
tener, haber, tomar, poseer, llevar, padecer
beber, tomar, empinar
coger, atrapar, tomar, capturar, captar, pescar
take up
tomar, ocupar, aceptar, absorber, emprender, recoger
take on
asumir, tomar, aceptar, realizar, emprender, hacer
take in
tomar, admitir, recibir, acoger, aceptar, ingerir
comer, consumir, tomar, devorar, corroer, pacer
take out
sacar, tomar, extraer, eliminar, quitar, obtener
tratar, curar, atender a, tomar, convidar, invitar a
take upon
tomar, encargarse, atreverse
draw in
atraer, aspirar, tomar, entrar, llegar, retirar
confiscar, embargar, acorralar, tomar
lift out
tomar, brincar, poner la mano
tocar, tocarse, rozar, alcanzar, afectar, tomar -
• #157
Dickheads, why can't they say, express, convey, inform, suggest, claim or speak something in one way?
• #158
Isn't that the opposite of the point I just made? ie. there's one word that has loads of meanings, not loads of words with one meaning?
• #159
¿Por qué no dos?
• #160
También he estado tomando unas bebidas.
• #161
I had to google that. FFS I can't even remember "two".
Estoy bebiendo Belgian cerveza al once (percent)
• #162
There's too many past tense thingiewhatsits in that.
I only get "Also" something something "drinks"
• #163
Two is both though, it's silly.
• #164
I may have nudged my memory with a hint or two before posting. And it's probably still wrong.
• #165
Ah, ok. See, this thread is helpful! :)
Actually I'm doing those Paul videos and found out that si and sí (whatever the funky) one is are different. "if" and "yes". If vs. yes could definitely get people into trouble!
• #166
I only use google translate once I've given up wracking my brain for the meaning. That's why I can't speak for shit, I can't remember anything. I'm very good at pointing and nodding though :D
• #167
Sí, si sí tiene un ' entonces sí es sí.
• #168
Yes, if yes has a ' (it means?) yes is yes
• #169
entonces = then
FFS, I've been doing Duolingo lessons for over a year and I only now find out "then" but I know how to say children, basketball, grandma, belt and skirt. FFS!!!
• #170
Much like everything I do, I'm supported by the power of the internet. Like fixing a bike, I know what I know, and I know what I don't and there's a fuzzy bit in the middle where a bit of previous experience with other similar things and a nudge towards the actual answer can help. Sometimes on here or wherever I'll figure what I want to say and forget a word but know I've seen it and sort the rest out but try to run a few things through Spanish to English translate and hope it hits, or give up and go the other way then try and conjugate correctly, either way it's all learning and I'll hopefully remember next time.
• #171
entonces = then
That master of memory thing starts off with basically all prepositions and similar, you learn half the words people actually use right at the beginning, and you get to pretend to be a bee.
• #172
I am a master of some kinds of memory but language is not one of them. Neither is remembering your opinion on that thing. I think I dismissed it, either because you said it was naff or because it was more money that I'd be better off spending on lessons.
• #173
I've not paid, it's all on your favourite podcast thing or eBay, I think I got a ebook for free, he mainly tries to make your pay for actual tutoring, but not aggressively (aggressively took some internet help to spell), sounds like a cult leader but not in a bad way.
• #174
Try it, the first few would probably seem like a step back but there's a lot of stuff in there that's definitely set me up for learning better. The problem is I got to the stuff where you need to use your minds eye to picture a lot of stuff and I think I've got a broken head that doesn't work like that, it still had a lot of helpful stuff though.
• #175
Nice thread, tengo que practicar mas.
My favourite phrase I learnt in Spanish class - Los problemas son masculino, las soluciones son femaninas
And coño has many meanings
I use spanishdict.com. Also, on my facebook feed someone is trying to sell me a poster with the 50 most used verbs on it.
TBH though, you will probably learn quicker if you write them out by hand while saying them to yourself - multimodal learning etc.