He’s getting set off at night, when he’s in his crate in the kitchen. I’m assuming it’s noises from the garden - there are a few cats nearby and we get foxes too. He’ll just have a bit of a woof for a while, then stop. It was every few days, but lately it’s been every night and sometimes a couple of times in a night.
It’s definitely ‘I’ve seen something I want to investigate’ barking as opposed the being distressed.@grams actually that would be fine in this instance. It’s literally just at night when he’s in the kitchen. I was thinking of trying one of the free standing units and just putting it out of reach near his bed.
Odies been woofing at night. He sleeps in the kitchen, which opens out on to the garden so he can hear all the cars and foxes that rock up. Lately it’s been every night and it’s wearing thin a little!
What can I do? Do those ultra sonic anti-woofing things work?