I didn't actually open the parcel. Got a very panicked phone call from the seller just before I did.
Choosing my words carefully, the seller was not the sharpest tool in the box. Struggled with fairly simple concepts brought up during the discussion about me sending it back to him. At the end of the conversation I certainly wasn't surprised that he could have got two very different size and shape parcels muddled.
Anyway, no harm done. I eventually received the correct watch. Bet the chap who had bought the Moonwatch but received a Longines worth half the price was shitting bricks.
I didn't actually open the parcel. Got a very panicked phone call from the seller just before I did.
Choosing my words carefully, the seller was not the sharpest tool in the box. Struggled with fairly simple concepts brought up during the discussion about me sending it back to him. At the end of the conversation I certainly wasn't surprised that he could have got two very different size and shape parcels muddled.
Anyway, no harm done. I eventually received the correct watch. Bet the chap who had bought the Moonwatch but received a Longines worth half the price was shitting bricks.