I removed the first -r 20 and the vcf scale bit. It has created a file in <30 mins but didn't tweet it. I was outside and the ssh from phone dropped out so I couldn't see what the error msg was. I run it via Screen so the process doesn't stop if the ssh drops but I'm not sure I can get back into Screen after it closes. There's probably a setting i can change in Juice ssh to help stop it dropping in the first place.
At home now and running the ffmpeg bit only again so will see if it gives an error.
I removed the first -r 20 and the vcf scale bit. It has created a file in <30 mins but didn't tweet it. I was outside and the ssh from phone dropped out so I couldn't see what the error msg was. I run it via Screen so the process doesn't stop if the ssh drops but I'm not sure I can get back into Screen after it closes. There's probably a setting i can change in Juice ssh to help stop it dropping in the first place.
At home now and running the ffmpeg bit only again so will see if it gives an error.