they are not doing anything more special or not that anyone else as far as i can see.
direct trade is a tricky subject, it has no clear definition and very few are able to handle everything, there is usually another actor involved for finance/shipping/milling etc...
as for the shade grown aspect , The FNC (National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia) spent decadse telling Colombian farmers not to plant shade in order to increase yield and are now backtracking to some degree, brazil is the ultimate example of this, huge open farms with minimal shade, coincidentally Brazil and Colombia are two of the largest producers interms of metric tonnes.
Ethiopia is wild coffee grown in Forests, same in parts of Chiapas/Oaxaca in mexico and virtually all of Timor Leste. What is old is new and if this is picked up as a marketing tool will be interesting. Especially as this means less yield for the farmer, but will the price paid reflect this?
Anyone tried these guys? Am I missing something, or are they doing anything special beyond what any other producer/roaster does? All the roasters I’ve spoken to seem to have individual relationships with small producers, is there any real point of difference here?