• #427
i know what you mean some of the larger sculptural stuff was good like the dead phone box and the justice sculpture . the putting up of his own stuff in gallery's was good too but not sure how long a go that was.
• #428
People still massively wank over banksy and I don’t get it.
Tbf he’s living the dream making serious money off shite and no one really knows who he is and although they sorta do he’s still very under the radar
• #429
I think id find it a lot easier to stomach if he wasn’t still doing the whole anti establishment, fuck the system shtick. He is very much part of the world that he’s still placing himself as the underdog disruptor of. He could be genuinely disruptive if he wanted to, but that would only satisfy the people he likes to make out are his audience, and alienate the art buyers and dealers who are actually his audience.
• #430
Kind of assuming I can’t get did for stuff like this I did 15 years ago, so ok to post up here! 😬
Internet bravado, innit.
If the feds come knocking, all you are doing is trying to get internet points.
You can claim to be from Mars and have Lord Lucan under your bed, doesn't make it true...Also, love the pompadour birds!
• #431
I remember in the relatively early days of Graf being on the internet (I know Artcrimes was a pretty early resource, but I’m thinking of stuff like that online ‘magazine’ that Dek used to do - can’t remember the name now), some people being really blatant with what they were posting up in a way that feels so foolhardy now. Not sure if they’re still up now, but I definitely had trains on the internet under my ‘main name’ - which I was fairly open about, being a largely legal-wall writer. After I got busted (just street stuff), I was a lot more careful and would use other names for risky stuff etc.
It feels really weird thinking about all that night time sneaking about stuff now! Very much another lifetime.
buys some chrome and waxoil. Gets arrested
• #433
Killa Kela the beatboxer, I assume?
Will check that out
• #434
I remember when I stumbled on art crimes way back. I thought I'd struck gold being able to see graff from round the world I was amazed by it. The amount of stuff uploaded to insta is crazy.
• #435
Sick, gonna check this out.
All my writer pals are full of mad stories - never a dull night in the pub when they’re regaling their antics.
• #436
Yeah thats pretty accurate, the whole anti establishment thing is boring. I think thats fine when your a underdog and skint but when your a super rich artist its hard to think he really believe his own shite now.
• #437
a couple of this guys work in the brick lane area, they really look like they're neon lights, so bright and vivid they look like they're shining
• #438
That's very cool
• #439
• #440
I've seen the Yoshi...
....which also had a cool fried egg next to it by Woskerski, who always does good stuff.
• #441
That yoshi one great
• #442
Love the egg.
Was it recent ? -
• #443
I watched that documentary on ‘subway art
Martha Cooper ?
Very interesting, some of those trains were almost all paint -
• #444
Yes, that pic was taken 2 days ago, its on Corbet Place, Spitalfields in case you want to visit.
• #445
The Martha Cooper doc is brilliant. Martha is great photographer with the graff archives added in her depth of work is crazy.
• #446
Thanks for that .
It looks worthy of a trip -
• #447
Has anyone got an ID for these? Would like to get in touch with the artist! Cant find anything searching 'batcapsprays'
• #448
• #449
no sorry no idea who does those
but a new nathan bowen in stratford, seen a few of his round here recently
• #450
his stuff not is for me at all although thats better than most of his other stuff
I think I’d like Banksy more if he’d actually progressed as an artist in any way in the last 20 years. Same old pithy, skin-deep satire that I found pretty right on as a foundation art student.
Maybe that’s sour grapes as my own graffiti career kind of peaked at birds with elvis hair :-D