I ordered this base layer by accident, having not realised it was the roll neck version. I've already got a roll beck base layer, otherwise i'd be keeping it!
100% merino, grey, size medium, brand new. I've taken it out the bag it came in, but haven't worn it.
£60 + postage. Based in N. London (Islington).
It's this one
Happy to post pics, but it's exactly the same as above.
Hi Folks,
I ordered this base layer by accident, having not realised it was the roll neck version. I've already got a roll beck base layer, otherwise i'd be keeping it!
100% merino, grey, size medium, brand new. I've taken it out the bag it came in, but haven't worn it.
£60 + postage. Based in N. London (Islington).
It's this one
Happy to post pics, but it's exactly the same as above.