Here's mine. There was a bit of a mix up with frames so I ended up with the last mk1 frame and done parts to help with the build.
I initially built it up with drop bars and 9 speed, but after a couple of rides and a very sore back I remembered how badly I get on with drop bars (I hadn't used any for 6+ years and thought I'd give it a go...).
Popped the spare mtb stuff on it - bars, brakes and gears - and I'm much happier with it now.
Still need to trim the hoses and possibly find a more comfortable saddle.
Here's mine. There was a bit of a mix up with frames so I ended up with the last mk1 frame and done parts to help with the build.
I initially built it up with drop bars and 9 speed, but after a couple of rides and a very sore back I remembered how badly I get on with drop bars (I hadn't used any for 6+ years and thought I'd give it a go...).
Popped the spare mtb stuff on it - bars, brakes and gears - and I'm much happier with it now.
Still need to trim the hoses and possibly find a more comfortable saddle.
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