Hmmmm this is starting to make sense - I replaced a chain for a neighbour in my block a few weeks back. The guy ordered Shimano Deore online, quick replacement, no worries. ‘Snapped’ when he was riding, so he bought the other spare over, and I did the same ....which ‘snapped’ again. He took it to a bike shop where they told him the chain ‘wasn’t strong enough’ (??!)
Couldn’t fathom at the time, and thought about it a lot since. Deore is a bombproof, fit & forget; I’ve replaced hundreds of chains, and seen loads of chains which have broken and twisted/sheared the plates/pins out of shape, but there wasn’t any sign of this.
Hmmmm this is starting to make sense - I replaced a chain for a neighbour in my block a few weeks back. The guy ordered Shimano Deore online, quick replacement, no worries. ‘Snapped’ when he was riding, so he bought the other spare over, and I did the same ....which ‘snapped’ again. He took it to a bike shop where they told him the chain ‘wasn’t strong enough’ (??!)
Couldn’t fathom at the time, and thought about it a lot since. Deore is a bombproof, fit & forget; I’ve replaced hundreds of chains, and seen loads of chains which have broken and twisted/sheared the plates/pins out of shape, but there wasn’t any sign of this.