I’ve been sleeping on this frame since it came in the mail. I’m imagining it with different components every day. Do I go full Ritchey classic, nos silver Miche Primato (only because I have an ISO bottom bracket I never used). I don’t even have a headset or seat post collar yet. Do I go full Thomson black or silver? I’m interested in the FSA K-Force SB32 seatpost as this frame is much shorter than my crippled All-City Big Block. The only other company I know with 30+ setback is Velo Orange but they don’t make them in 31.6. I’m also considering using 150mm Rotor track crankset. I bought used time atac pedals at goodwill last year. They seem to be in good condition. Are cleats readily available for older Time pedals? Do current Time atac cleats work with older pedals? Chiller or sleek race bike that will kill my knees? Damn, infinite insanity. Do I ship this to Colombia and make it a small gear ratio, wide bar or drops with brake levers, atv, freewheel mountain goat?
I’ve been sleeping on this frame since it came in the mail. I’m imagining it with different components every day. Do I go full Ritchey classic, nos silver Miche Primato (only because I have an ISO bottom bracket I never used). I don’t even have a headset or seat post collar yet. Do I go full Thomson black or silver? I’m interested in the FSA K-Force SB32 seatpost as this frame is much shorter than my crippled All-City Big Block. The only other company I know with 30+ setback is Velo Orange but they don’t make them in 31.6. I’m also considering using 150mm Rotor track crankset. I bought used time atac pedals at goodwill last year. They seem to be in good condition. Are cleats readily available for older Time pedals? Do current Time atac cleats work with older pedals? Chiller or sleek race bike that will kill my knees? Damn, infinite insanity. Do I ship this to Colombia and make it a small gear ratio, wide bar or drops with brake levers, atv, freewheel mountain goat?
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