So it’s on an old iCloud account that isn’t working and his new iCloud doesn’t have his watch on it.
So apple said the only way to remove it from this old account is to go to the store and get a proof of purchase when my mum bought it for him. Honestly it’s a pure hassle and they couldn’t tell me on the phone what I need to take from her so I’m going blind with a bill and her drivers license.
If I get the rceicpt I can send it to them and they can remove it from the cloud apparently. Nightmare
If your mum has an Apple account she could try logging into support to see if it shows up in her purchase history - https://support.apple.com/en-gb/my-support
Otherwise, yeah go with the normal proof of ID stuff. Might be a pain, but it makes sense that Apple want to check though when you think about it. Hope you get it sorted without too much faff.
Edit - I presume you’ve tried to recover the old iCloud account - https://iforgot.apple.com/password/verify/appleid?r=1&language=US-EN
Might have missed something, not sure what you need a receipt for, but get your dad to follow these instructions and it will be removed from his account and ready for you to set up as new.