Pretty sure this has been covered multiple times, but:
I want a cheap device (with digital and analogue line level outputs) that will let me listen to Spotify using spotify connect - and one that will support "HiFi" / lossless when its available...
Do you have a iPhone, iPad or Mac? Stream to an Airport Express (A1392 version) via Airplay, has a combined optical/analogue out. £40 at Cex https://uk.webuy.com/product-detail?id=snetappapexa1392&categoryName=wireless-routers&superCatName=computing&title=apple-airport-n-express-base-%28a1392%29
Pretty sure this has been covered multiple times, but:
I want a cheap device (with digital and analogue line level outputs) that will let me listen to Spotify using spotify connect - and one that will support "HiFi" / lossless when its available...