dredging a thirteen year old thread to avoid creating a new one? No, me neither.
What I wanted to ask was: has anyone heard of Southern Distributors? I want to buy something from their website but instead of just being able to do the transaction on the site, they sent me a proforma invoice and their bank details. I assume they are legit and perhaps usually do trade on a company-to-company basis, but just a bit of an unusual process.
They are a distributor who's day to day business is supplying shops and trade accounts not the general public. I think they are now accepting orders from consumers but by the sounds of it they don't have a full e-comm platform up and running.
dredging a thirteen year old thread to avoid creating a new one? No, me neither.
What I wanted to ask was: has anyone heard of Southern Distributors? I want to buy something from their website but instead of just being able to do the transaction on the site, they sent me a proforma invoice and their bank details. I assume they are legit and perhaps usually do trade on a company-to-company basis, but just a bit of an unusual process.