Have a think about different breeds as some lay loads, others a bit more irregular. Make sure you have space for a hutch and run that you can move about and close at night.
And I can honestly say I still miss having a garden, and a garden with chickens in. But best option is bantams - smaller, more fun to chase while singing the Jurassic park theme and the eggs are so, so good. (I was lucky/bored as a child in the sticks!).
Also - you can get rescue hens that have been taken from battery farms. They often dont last longer than a couple of weeks but are cheap and a good thing to do - that’s my mums take on it!
From memory it's a mix of bantams and marans, 7 cluckers in total. The seller's whole setup is staying, but I can't really remember what it comprises. There was definitely a chicken swing though, no doubt an essential. Space for things thankfully won't be a problem for a while.
Have a think about different breeds as some lay loads, others a bit more irregular. Make sure you have space for a hutch and run that you can move about and close at night.
And I can honestly say I still miss having a garden, and a garden with chickens in. But best option is bantams - smaller, more fun to chase while singing the Jurassic park theme and the eggs are so, so good. (I was lucky/bored as a child in the sticks!).
Also - you can get rescue hens that have been taken from battery farms. They often dont last longer than a couple of weeks but are cheap and a good thing to do - that’s my mums take on it!