Decided to make the most of the benign weather and took it out for a shakedown spin around Greenwich Park.
It's heavy, incredibly twitchy, the seatpost slips and the bars are far too wide. I love it!
It is a silly, grin-inducing bike and it just baits you into riding like a kid again. The kenda small block tyres make an excellent noise on tarmac at speed; coming down Vanbrugh Hill at what felt like 150km/h it genuinely sounded like it was about to take off!
Decided to make the most of the benign weather and took it out for a shakedown spin around Greenwich Park.
It's heavy, incredibly twitchy, the seatpost slips and the bars are far too wide. I love it!
It is a silly, grin-inducing bike and it just baits you into riding like a kid again. The kenda small block tyres make an excellent noise on tarmac at speed; coming down Vanbrugh Hill at what felt like 150km/h it genuinely sounded like it was about to take off!
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