Our coffee machine is plumbed in, the drip tray has a small gauge pipe feeding into a hole in the worktop, it then slots into a pipe that connects to the sink trap.
Today I noticed the drip tray was draining very very slowly, when I tried putting a jug of water in the pipe from the sink trap to the worktop just backed up. Considered putting drain cleaner down but thought I should investigate more. Turns out the milk residue poured down the sink has been coagulating over two years and had started to back up into the side t junction on the drip tray waste pipe. When I put a pipe cleaner into the drip tray pipe it was solidly backed up. With a little wiggle things got released and an 8 inch turd made of rancid milk and coffee grounds slid out from the pipe.
Grim but things will work fine and I know how to resolve it when it inevitably happens again.
Our coffee machine is plumbed in, the drip tray has a small gauge pipe feeding into a hole in the worktop, it then slots into a pipe that connects to the sink trap.
Today I noticed the drip tray was draining very very slowly, when I tried putting a jug of water in the pipe from the sink trap to the worktop just backed up. Considered putting drain cleaner down but thought I should investigate more. Turns out the milk residue poured down the sink has been coagulating over two years and had started to back up into the side t junction on the drip tray waste pipe. When I put a pipe cleaner into the drip tray pipe it was solidly backed up. With a little wiggle things got released and an 8 inch turd made of rancid milk and coffee grounds slid out from the pipe.
Grim but things will work fine and I know how to resolve it when it inevitably happens again.