What do you mean by flashing and I'm not sure what ota or tasmota are?
Tasmota is chip firmware that you can use in the place of tuya, which is on the bulbs at the moment.
Tasmota is a much friendlier than tuya, and is a piece of piss to integrate directly with most smart home platforms (whereas tuya needs its own proprietary closed source gubbins).
OTA just means over-the-air - as in, you can flash (install) tasmota wirelessly, without having to open things up and solder wires and whatnot.
Tasmota is chip firmware that you can use in the place of tuya, which is on the bulbs at the moment.
Tasmota is a much friendlier than tuya, and is a piece of piss to integrate directly with most smart home platforms (whereas tuya needs its own proprietary closed source gubbins).
OTA just means over-the-air - as in, you can flash (install) tasmota wirelessly, without having to open things up and solder wires and whatnot.
https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Tuya-Convert/ is teh software tht I've used to play with some tuya-based plugs
It didn't work for me, as the plugs has an HP chip, rather than the nice & friendly ESP2866 chips.