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  • Has anyone had any experience with Nike Returns? They say they’re happy to take trainers that you’ve run in. I ordered a pair of Nike Trail 2 (which I think are brilliant) but they’re a size too big. I’ve now run a muddy 50km over the last week in them - is there a chance they won’t accept the return?

  • I'm not sure that meets the requirements for a return (it's Nike so who cares try it)

  • I returned a pair with 100 miles or so in them. Their policy implies you can give them a good trial, I did, didn’t like them and then returned them. Had the money back within a few days.

  • My wife had a problem with a pair of Nike shoes after 100mi or so (sole peeling off) and they accepted the return and issued a refund. No idea of specifics but sounds like they are pretty good.


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