Ok, as my brand new frame arrived just before covid last January it has sat in a corner in its box rather unloved, reinventing my commuter took priority for some reason. Anyway, I’ve dug a box out of the box and discovered the perfectly good headset the frame was supplied with. There is a slightly illegible code on the side of the bearing races, anything in particular I should be looking for?
My frame is EC34/ZS44, this headset is EC34/ZS49
@CptnBigNose I will knock £10 off the price for you if you stop talking about headsets.
My 2018 frame came with a Prestine F-17-A 1 1/8 to 1 1/2 tapered headset, what year is/was yours and I’ll try and work out what headset yours is fitted with, is there a code for the CK headset other than just the two sizes? Really keen for this to fit but also have a history of buying bits that aren’t quite right.