I’ve got 6mm between the mudguard and stays so 47mm overall.
So Schwalbe G-one speed 30mm almost no tread
Schwalbe G-one all round 35mm more tread
Or Schwalbe X-one all round 33mm knobbly https://www.huntbikewheels.com/collections/tyres
Surrey hills and farm/gamekeepers /fire roads across the N.Yorks moors in summer(Yorkshire summer similar concept to British gravel)
I’ve got 6mm between the mudguard and stays so 47mm overall.
So Schwalbe G-one speed 30mm almost no tread
Schwalbe G-one all round 35mm more tread
Or Schwalbe X-one all round 33mm knobbly
Surrey hills and farm/gamekeepers /fire roads across the N.Yorks moors in summer(Yorkshire summer similar concept to British gravel)