Having tried unsuccessfully on the club forum (yes, it's posted elsewhere, I don't care).
I've got a medium Brixton cycles jersey that is very much on the smaller/Italian side of medium. Whereas I am definitely on the upper side of large. Long shot, but does anyone have a large one (any era) they'd like to swap? It's in really good condition, tiny pull in fabric at front, but other than that hardly worn. Am not keen to sell it if I can avoid it.
Having tried unsuccessfully on the club forum (yes, it's posted elsewhere, I don't care).
I've got a medium Brixton cycles jersey that is very much on the smaller/Italian side of medium. Whereas I am definitely on the upper side of large. Long shot, but does anyone have a large one (any era) they'd like to swap? It's in really good condition, tiny pull in fabric at front, but other than that hardly worn. Am not keen to sell it if I can avoid it.
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