Yep - ^ absolutely no reason why a good battery powered drill cannot put a neat hole in masonry for all but the wildest applications. Just needs high quality bits (but when masonry, you always need a good bit)
If your walls are crumbly then downsize your bits or upsize your fittings. SDS or a corded drill will not fix that.
SDS is good for smashing plaster off your walls if you fancy it with the chiseling action.
I'd file that need under 'the wildest of applications' along with the cat-flap in a solid wall self torture. Guessing that was going straight through an internal solid wall to route a cable of some kind? Straight through the chimney breast? You monster.
Yep - ^ absolutely no reason why a good battery powered drill cannot put a neat hole in masonry for all but the wildest applications. Just needs high quality bits (but when masonry, you always need a good bit)
If your walls are crumbly then downsize your bits or upsize your fittings. SDS or a corded drill will not fix that.
SDS is good for smashing plaster off your walls if you fancy it with the chiseling action.