Looking for recommendations for chest waders.
Covid restrictions allowing, we* should be removing Himalayan Balsam from along the (mighty)River Pinn as it flows through Ruislip this Summer.
You'll boil your bits off in those in summer! Also, puncture the boots and they're totalled. What you need are stocking foot (basically a neoprene overshoe attached to the waders) breathable waders with separate wading boots worn over them. I'll have a look about.
and indeed any other fishermen.
I'm not joining your club/hobby.
Looking for recommendations for chest waders.
Covid restrictions allowing, we* should be removing Himalayan Balsam from along the (mighty)River Pinn as it flows through Ruislip this Summer.
These were a for example in the funding application;
Are these 'avoid at any cost' or is there a 'get these, better & cheaper'?
Thanks in advance.
[* 'we' = Ruislip Residents Association and the voluntary conservation group I help run].