small shrubs and flowers that appreciate shade
I'll try and get out later and find what we've got. Ferns are the obvious ones and are very varied.
Also a nice rambling rose - not that they love shade, but they'll grow up and get the sun which will give interest along the top.
Also idk how these will work out, but I've just bought some to grow in amongst something
small shrubs and flowers that appreciate shade
I haven't been able to work out the name of the plant that does best. And it's only just starting after winter. It's a tubular(?) with tall single stem flowers. And big leaves.
Anyway the other suggestions from our garden are;
- seedum (loads of variety so pick what you like/suitable)
- Lemon balm
- chives (left field I know, but they look nice throughout the growing season and are practical)
- fuchsia (if you think they look a bit old fashioned, have a look at the more tree like ones rather than bushes as they look more oriental and elegant )
- seedum (loads of variety so pick what you like/suitable)
Dug a flower bed at the weekend. I’ve no idea what I’m doing but hoping for a splash of colour. Will do the other side of the lawn when I’ve recovered.
Any recommendations for small shrubs and flowers that appreciate shade would be helpful
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