A fun few hours in CP this morning. Met some lovely dog owners and Nori is hopefully spent for the day.
Most people have been pretty supportive about Nori being muzzled but some bloke took it upon himself to question why i had her on a lead and why she was muzzled. I get why you might question having both together but he was questioning the use of either. I tried to explain she was a new rescue in training and had unfortunately had quite a bad incident with another dog to which he replied something along the lines of "you got to let dogs be dogs". As i had dragged my partner out of bed to join me i decided this wouldn't be a good time to tell him to go do one but just as i was thinking it a giant of a man with 4 big dogs came over and told him to shut the fuck up. Several other dog owners then came and showed support, kind of a dog walkers assemble moment that i really appreciated. What was particularly great was whilst the humans went at it all the dogs happily played away including Nori.
We also met a lady with a boxer/staff cross that used to be pro dog walker. We discussed Nori's incident and she echoed what a few other people had said that if Nori wanted to seriously hurt another dog she would off. The fact that the other dog on said incident had no injuries to her was a good sign that she was just scared and being defensive when she pinned her. Her dog had done something similar and it was like she was describing my incident. I probably shouldn't listen too much to what's said in the park but we had some really positive feedback on her body language with other dogs which is always nice to hear.
Sounds like you're doing the right thing. It's just better for all involved to be overly cautious I think. Who cares what some random goon thinks? Crystal Palace park on a Sunday is always so chaotic, we tend to avoid it. Had a nice walk in the woods instead, much quieter!
Nori and i have had some really good times there but we're out the doors by 7am ish. We've been warned that later on it's a total shit show. Probably reads like that guy got to me but i was just a little surprised by him and thought it was nice other people stepped in!
A fun few hours in CP this morning. Met some lovely dog owners and Nori is hopefully spent for the day.
Most people have been pretty supportive about Nori being muzzled but some bloke took it upon himself to question why i had her on a lead and why she was muzzled. I get why you might question having both together but he was questioning the use of either. I tried to explain she was a new rescue in training and had unfortunately had quite a bad incident with another dog to which he replied something along the lines of "you got to let dogs be dogs". As i had dragged my partner out of bed to join me i decided this wouldn't be a good time to tell him to go do one but just as i was thinking it a giant of a man with 4 big dogs came over and told him to shut the fuck up. Several other dog owners then came and showed support, kind of a dog walkers assemble moment that i really appreciated. What was particularly great was whilst the humans went at it all the dogs happily played away including Nori.
We also met a lady with a boxer/staff cross that used to be pro dog walker. We discussed Nori's incident and she echoed what a few other people had said that if Nori wanted to seriously hurt another dog she would off. The fact that the other dog on said incident had no injuries to her was a good sign that she was just scared and being defensive when she pinned her. Her dog had done something similar and it was like she was describing my incident. I probably shouldn't listen too much to what's said in the park but we had some really positive feedback on her body language with other dogs which is always nice to hear.