Similar situation here, 8am morning start, it was too cold (1C or so) and I had set off with a LS merino baselayer, teh burner and a 3-layer windproof jacket. No gilet.
At the coffee stop I removed the burner... By the time it was noon I was cooked and the baselayer was soaked, so I stopped, removed the baselayer and put the burner back in as I didn't feel comfortable with just the jacket (and also there was no space left in my pockets...)
Perfect, except the gloves (neoprene in 13C weather isn't good)
Perfect weather to test burner. Set off early in merino base, long sleeve jersey and windstopper gilet.
By the time the sun came up I felt overdressed but comfortably so and
didn’t bother stopping to remove it.
Thanks for this excellent product @Chopsicle so simple and elegant. Also being part of this thread has been a joy and added to the pleasure of ownership and emotional connection to the product... I show it to anyone who might be interested!