Just frustrated that they did so many variations size wise but nothing dial wise or bezel wise. Why not offer smooth bezel options too? Also the bezel is a big let down, the finishing doesnt go right to the edge, it looks clunky and a bit of an after thought.
The 38mm had soo much potential.Looks like they nabbed stuff from this model:https://www.bucherer.com/uk/en/watches/tudor/tudor-classic/0321-035-3.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAiAm-2BBhANEiwAe7eyFP8KQUtnS-v3VsCTrPCVzH663z75aQkzq-J_LpGfRYnfdzJ8Se1cVRoC7swQAvD_BwE
What do you think of these new Tudor watches ?
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