There are various trunking methods for cables - cheap and tidy too.
D-Line EU/1D3015W/EH Mini Trunking, Electrical Cable Management Solution, Self-Adhesive Cord Cover - 30mm (W) x 15mm (H) - White (1-Meter Length) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00TJQ882S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_SJB48WRCCN4Z2Z1K86KP
There are also self adhesive clips which I have used and are good.
Cable clips should work if you are careful.
Thanks. I had a go - nails just bent over. Render 1, Clips 0. I wish 2mm masonary bits existed so I could pre drill.
Thanks for the link for the trunking, that's spot on for another job I need to sort, but for this TV aerial I'd like to avoid trunking if possible so need to figure out a way to get these clips on.
Can I hammer cable clips into a rendered wall / is there a risk of it dislodging large chunks and falling off? I need to secure a flappy TV aerial able.