Will clubs still have to have a nominated covid compliance officer or whatever - is that why they're first to get out in groups?
I agree, there's probably less risk in half a dozen sensible randoms than a club chaingang of a dozen tearing along in a tight bunch just because someone has read the covid compliance memo from BC
Assuming everything stays the same, yes, clubs will have to organise activities with a COVID coordinator and all names and numbers need to be logged for, I think, 21 days. That's how we were running Glasgow Wheelers rides and Lomond Roads were doing rides before they completely stopped. We were supposed to distance on the roads as best we could, so I used to do Wheelers rides in the lanes making it easier, but lots of clubs just went back to normal riding with limited numbers and the rules allow for that.
I reckon chaingangs will start up very quickly, particularly the ones that aren't really club-affiliated like the Bundy. I think the Southside bunch might start up for those in the know as they're VC associated and won't want people having a go at them. Similar with the EK bunch. I saw a few groups from clubs out in the lanes last weekend as well, so group riding is happening at the moment and they were in club kit so not difficult to know who they were.
My biggest issue with it is that if you're not in a BC club and just ride with mates, you can start cycling again in level 3, but if you are in a BC club there's pressure to adhere to BC rules. It's not been well thought out and SC have said they're in communication with the Government around this, so really it's on them to make sure their rules either align with the government rules or there's a clear explanation as to where their rules apply and don't apply. It puts people in a difficult position as none of us want to be seen as just ignoring the rules.
I'm with you and @M_V on this (and probably sound like a broken record!), a small bunch of us riding once outdoor activity is allowed seems perfectly fine to me, as long as we're all sensible and don't turn up feeling ill/let each other know if we do get sick etc. That's in compliance with the Government rules as they are at the moment.
That's pretty much exactly how I feel. I'm fine riding in smaller groups. I'd feel a bit weird about riding out in groups of 8-10+ people as soon as lock-down ends, but I don't see we can't do what clubs do, especially as we're more likely to let each other know if we get ill etc.