Boilermaker is just lager w/ a whisky. It's not a cocktail. It's just something to get pished quicker. You can dump the whisky in the lager but I tend to have nice beer and nice whisky so that doesn't happen.
The rum in question is Venezuelan:
https://www.masterofmalt.com/rum/santa-teresa/santa-teresa-1796-rum/Your missus might insist nothing be mixed but back home you need the coke added..
If I've had Mount Gay before it'll only have been in a bar and I have no recollection of it. But I might seek it out when we replace this bottle. I think my favourites are the El Dorado and Ron Zacapa 23 solera. But I haven't done side by side tasting of rums to really pick faves. Should do a drinks by the dram.
I’ve no idea what any of those are, I’ll ask my GF, I know that she will say ‘if it ain’t Mount Gay XO, I’m not interested’ being the patriot of her heritage.
And reckon mixing rum with anything else is considered heathen, in Barbados or Colombia at least. One ice cube at most in a Collins glass
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